My Uncle, Ramen, and Scrambled Eggs

My Uncle

Sadly, my uncle died. He was my dad’s brother, older than my dad, and finally succumbed to cancer. I tried to memorialize him in a poem, My Uncle Paul. You can see some of his art on his page and read his obituary at


We started summer at frenetic pace and have made the most of it, including finally having lunch at Shima Shima Tom, a quirky local ramen joint.

Scrambled Eggs

Finally, I embarked on what must be my first attempt at a marketing campaign, The Learninate #ScrambledEggs Challenge.

via Instagram

I’m hoping it will increase awareness and understanding for the informal and playful intent of Learninate. I’m trying not to overthink things too much with my little startup. Just come up with a goal or concept each week and promote it on social media as much as possible without being obnoxious.

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